
This I Believe

I thought I would post some of the things I need to do for my classes on here. Just so everyone knows I am terrible at writing thats why I usually let my photographs do the speaking for me.

This assignment was for my english class as a concept taken from "This I Believe" a radio show on NPR.

More of a life update will be coming soon.

Here it is:

Cycling is a Lifestyle, not just a recreation.

I believe that a bicycle can bring great joy, peace and accomplishment to our everyday lives. Bicycling is a fantastic thing to do on the weekend to get out and see different things in the outdoors and is a great family recreation, but I think it can do much more to benefit our lives and health. The health gained is not only physical but also mental, giving me a sense of accomplishment to actually see something progress in my life. Something usually unseen on a day to day basis. I believe so strongly in this because of the affect it has had in my life, when I am weighed down with stress, frustration, anger and disappointment it only takes a few peddle strokes before that is solved. As a college student who hasn’t been in school for a while getting back into the stresses and learning that comes with classes and grades can get a bit over whelming. I first started cycling about 5 years ago when I had just graduated high school and found myself almost addicted to going out every day and riding everyday for at least 15 to 20 miles. I started with a lot of road riding but worked my way into mountain biking after one of my friends convinced me it was the only way. Each has their own thrills from weaving in and around traffic to ripping down the side of a mountain on a trail no wider than a foot at times. The wind in your face, the exhaustion after a huge climb, the thrill of something unknown around the next corner, I love it all. I have seen cycling around town to run errands or to class invigorates my mind, and gives me a heightened sense of my surroundings. Maybe it is just my escape from the the world for just a moment, but the stress relieved even riding a few blocks to or from home every day is fantastic. It invigorates the body and mind, brings us health and strength. That is why cycling is a lifestyle.

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