
The Charley Song... The End of an Era.

So Badger Camp has come to an end... the last Friday night was the end of the year banquet and well a couple good ole' chaps Zach and John wrote me a song... I had a camper during the 2 week session of camp and his name was Charley... I freakin' LOVE him, he is amazing, and pretty much the most foul mouthed kid I have ever met... real funny stuff. They took a bunch of quotes of his and put them into a song. Now Charley can be VERY, I repeat VERY, offensive at times but he is friggin' funny and I haven't a clue where he got all the crap he said from. Well I guess I will let you enjoy it too... Ladies and Gentelmen, The Charley Song....

This may OFFEND many people so if you don't like it don't watch it.

This is the real deal folks, Charley did say crap like this and it was an amazing summer I am going to miss it soo much, the campers, and all the other staff. You have all made one of the best summers of my life, thanks.

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